As with all villages the quality of services that we can provide to the community rests in the hands of volunteers. Funds are raised to cover costs of looking after our village hall, repairing the bus shelter, providing a defibrillator etc etc.
Clearly this doesn't happen without much effort and time freely given by individuals.
We have hold an Annual Barbeque, Safari Supper and Harvest Supper and many other smaller events.
Are you willing to help us? Do you have something that you or a few friends want to run. Please let us know
Donations to the Parish Council Re: The Local Plan
As you are aware, over the last few years there have been repeated efforts to fight the whole concept. Latterly, realising that the site cannot just be abandoned, several parish councils, our ward councillors and many individuals have been working very hard to influence the outcome to reduce the size and scale to a more realistic new village, that is much more in keeping with Rutland.
All of you have helped with this with consultation responses, letters to the press and attending meetings so thank you for this. However, the MOD have their own agenda, which is to get as much cash as possible! To date their influence over the council has been bigger than the voices of the whole county. There is a wider national political agenda that has meant that this proposal is being pushed through with haste and little consultation. The local plan is now in its final stage – "Regulation 19 ", which is due to start on 27th August and will run for 6 weeks until 4.15pm on 9th October .
At this stage it is not down to RCC or the MOD – it is down to us, all of us. If we make good, effective and strong representations (suggestions will be provided to the village on how to do this effectively in mid-September), these will go to an inspector who will take note and in addition measure these against the evidence that RCC have provided and the governments' legislation.
We also need to produce a strong response from the Parish Council, and having taken a lot of professional advice, to stand any chance of winning this battle, we NEED to engage a specialist barrister. This Barrister will be a planning expert, someone who is very well versed on developing counter arguments, planning for, and attending hearings. They are highly skilled at speaking on behalf of communities and putting across reasoned arguments as to why the plan is unsound. Our representation and this advice are by far the BEST combination of efforts to try and shape this plan into something that will not totally engulf our village and change our way of live for ever.
Whilst our representation is free, the commissioning of a well reputed barrister, who is an expert at local plans of course costs money – and I am writing to ask for your help.
Collectively we need to raise £30,000 – of which £7500 has already been pledged. Because of Covid, we cannot have events or activities to raise the money – so we are having to be direct and ask you for a donation to the Parish Council.
There are two ways you can do this:
- Bank transfer Via BACS is preferred (Reference Donation) to Edith Weston Parish Council, Sort code 40-35-21, Account 40322105
- or a cheque made payable to Edith Weston Parish Council and sent, or hand delivered to Mrs C Gwilliam, 4 Normanton Cottages, Empingham Road, Normanton, Rutland, LE158RW.
All donations will be treated in absolute confidence and will only be noted to create a total sum by the clerk, and we will send out a weekly update – with a total amount donated. As a Parish Council we duty bound to ensure that any monies are spent wisely, and if there any monies left over will be put to good use in our Parish.
Together we can do this – it's a lot to ask – but IF we get a new VILLAGE as a new neighbour and NOT a TOWN, I am sure you will agree it will be money very well spent.
A HUGE THANK YOU, we promise to do our absolute best to represent you and protect our village.
Many thanks
Edith Weston Parish Council
Cathie Gwilliam
Edith Weston Parish Council Clerk
01780 4601284