A Village Called Edith Weston – Memories and Photographs - By Liz Tyler
Published by the author at Edith Weston in 2008 - 106pp with illustrations - Price: £16.50
Available from the Edith Weston village shop, or contact the author by email at book@edithwestononline.co.uk
Like most Rutland villages, Edith Weston has changed almost beyond recognition in the last thirty years. The buildings in the historic core have not changed that much, but the social culture has altered dramatically, with incomers, known as 'bottom enders' now comprising a large part of the population. Before all knowledge of old village life was lost, Liz Tyler, and other Edithwestonians, got together and organised village reunions for descendants and those who had moved away. These proved a great success, and the resulting accumulation of memories and old photographs gave rise to this book. It is a wonderful collection of well produced photographs, information and anecdotes from the last eighty or so years. It could be a model of how to pull together disparate information and record it for prosperity. However, it does lack an index and seems to flow sporadically from photograph to text as the reader is drawn around the village, and there are no chapters or headings to help the reader. But the overall result from this muddle works well in recording life and buildings in Edith Weston. Without the efforts of the author and friends, much of this information would have been lost. A commendable effort. Review by Hilary Crowden